YoungmanThe quaint and beautiful river town of Muncy once again is the setting for the Muncy Historical Society’s annual Quilt Show.

Slated for July 17-18, visitors will have the opportunity to view antique and contemporary quilts at the Quilt Show to be held in the cafetorium of the Muncy Elementary School, 125 New Street.

This location features an air-conditioned facility with convenient and ample parking. Admission to the two-day show is $8 for a single day or $12 for a multi-day pass. The show runs from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, July 17 and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 18.

“Quilter’s Choice Challenge”



MHS 2015 Quilt Show Entry Form

This juried show is open to all quilters! We anticipate more than 100 stunning antique, vintage and traditional quilts will be displayed, representing virtually all styles. Now in its eleventh year, the event is a showcase of spectacular hand and machine workmanship, appliqué and quilting techniques, reflecting the originality of the makers and their expertise with needle and thread, as well. The “Vintage Gatherers” Collection will also share their recent quilting endeavors. This year the show will be accessorized with vintage hats, gloves, purses and furs.

The 2015 Quilt Challenge theme is “quilter’s choice.” This is an opportunity for quilters to enter a quilt or quilts based on any of the previous-themed challenge categories. Previous challenge themes include Anniversary, Dreams Become Reality, Americans Embrace Diversity, Americana-Glory Be, Coverlet-Inspired, Civil War-Inspired, and Muncy Eagle.

Along with the quilts, this year’s show will feature 19th century woven jacquard coverlets which date to the late 1830s-1840s. There will be many examples of William Lowmiller’s work and his jacquard attachment and cards will be on display. The works of other weavers who introduced flower, vine, and bird designs into their weaving through this innovative punch-card system will also be exhibited. Joy McCracken will provide a fun, hands-on opportunity for show attendees to spin and weave on Friday, 10:30 or 1, and Saturday, at10:30, with lucet, drop spindle, tape- and Dorothy-loom exercises.

The Society’s month-long September exhibit, “World War II: From the Battlefield to the Home Front” will be introduced at the quilt show. There will be a special exhibit area featuring both vintage and contemporary World War II era quilts along with original U. S. Savings Bond poster art and other period military memorabilia from museum and private collections.

A three-person panel will judge the quilt entries and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons will be awarded in the Quilt Challenge, Appliqué, Other Techniques, Use of Color, Hand Quilting, Domestic/Hand-Guided Machine Quilting, Computer-Guided Machine Quilting, Wall Hanging, and Youth categories. The judges will award only one winner for Best of Show, selected from all first-place winners, a Best Original Design winner and a Judge’s Choice winner. Friday show attendees will nominate their personal favorite for the Viewer’s Choice award. Best of Show, Viewer’s Choice, Best Original Design and the 1st place Challenge winners will each receive garden sculpture by Kris Robbins, a Lycoming County artist.

The show activities have been selected to appeal to all ages and young people are encouraged to attend. This event is a glorious, colorful, educational and celebrated occasion.

Quilter’s Rummage Sale

The Society will host its fourth quilter’s rummage sale on July 18, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at its 40 N. Main Street location. A wide variety of material (being sold by the pound) plus books, quilter tools & other quilt-related paraphernalia will be on sale. Judith Cole Youngman’s books, note cards, patterns, and “Quilts of Muncy” posters will also be available.

Quilt Appraisals

Karen Powers will conduct pre-scheduled appraisals on old or new quilts or tops, blocks, or quilted wearable art. It takes approximately 35 minutes to complete each appraisal, which includes time for consultation, a written appraisal, her qualification document, an informational handout on quilt care and storage and photos of the quilt. The fee per item includes a written appraisal and is $50. Karen Powers is an appraiser of quilted textiles, certified by the American Quilter’s Society, and a member of the Professional Association of Appraisers – Quilted Textiles (PAAQT). A quilter for more than 35 years, she is also a quilt historian and practicing quilt restoration artist. Karen maintains an extensive reference library including books on quilt making, quilt history, and textile production, and also owns many publications resulting from individual state quilt documentation projects.

Call 570-546-5917 or email to schedule a quilt appraisal.

Quilt Registration – Open to all quilters!

Antique and vintage quilts, both from private collections and from the museum’s collection, are exhibited at Muncy Historical Society’s quilt show. Anyone wishing to exhibit a quilt from their private collection must complete a quilt show registration form, available by calling 570-546-5917 or online at Check-in for all pre-registered quilts, including “Challenge Quilts”, will be Sunday, July 12, from noon to 3 p.m., and Monday andTuesday, July 13 & 14, 9 a.m. to noon or earlier by advance appointment. Quilts should include a cloth label with the name of the quilt, the owner’s name and address sewn to the back of the entry. A 4-4 ½” hanging sleeve should be affixed to the quilt. Quilt pick-up is scheduled for Saturday, July 18 from 4-5 p.m. or Monday, July 20 between 9 a.m. and noon at the museum.

Admission to the Quilt Show is $8 per day, or $12 for a multi-day pass. More information is available by calling the Muncy Historical Society at 546-5917. On the Internet at or

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Program support made possible in part through donations and grants from the Lycoming County Visitors Bureau, the PA Council on the Arts and quilt enthusiasts.
Directions to the Quilt Show at Muncy Elementary School are: I-80 to exit 212W to I-180 exit 13A, Rt. 405 to Muncy. Turn left on South Main Street, .5 mile, left on New Street. Drive three blocks to the school entrance. Please wear comfortable, flat-heeled shoes.

Use this Google Map to find and print directions
from your location to the 11th Annual Muncy Quilt Show.


“Quilter’s Choice Challenge”



MHS 2015 Quilt Show Entry Form

July 17-18, 2015

Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sponsored by the Muncy Historical Society, Muncy, PA

Quilt Entry Deadline: Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Perhaps you started a previous year’s Challenge and the time flew by way too fast for you to complete it… this is your chance to enter and share it with us.

You may enter challenge quilts in more than one theme category … previous challenges include:

Anniversary, Dreams Become Reality, Americans Embrace Diversity, Americana-Glory Be, Coverlet-Inspired, Civil War-Inspired, Muncy Eagle

Your quilt entry must be accompanied by documentation outlining your inspiration. Remember, challenge quilts have size restrictions – the maximum 72” x 72”, the minimum 36” x 36”. A challenge quilt may be any shape as long as the outside dimensions fall within these guidelines.


“Muncy Compass Challenge”

July 15-16, 2016

Quilt Entry Deadline: Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Calling in all “Muncy Compass” quilts that meet the size restrictions set for our Challenge category – you may re-enter a previously exhibited Compass as long as it meets the restrictions … 72” x 72” max, 36” x 36” min and any shape as long as the outside dimensions fall within these guidelines.

The Society is always thrilled to have Muncy Compass quilts on display and we are excited to announce this theme as our 2016 challenge.

Muncy Historical Society
40 N. Main Street, P. O. Box 11, Muncy, PA 17756, 570/546-5917
or email