About Robin Van Auken

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So far Robin Van Auken has created 15 blog entries.

‘Backyard’ Yard Sale in Muncy

2021-05-05T15:06:34-04:00May 5th, 2021|Events|

Celebrate spring with a "Backyard" Yardsale at the Muncy Historical Society! Muncy Historical Society, 40 N. Main Street SAT., MAY 8, 2021 -- 7:30 AM TO 3 PM Donations from the community for this year’s YARD SALE include antiques, David Armstrong “Meetinghouse” signed/framed print, other artwork, picture frames, glassware,

Following Pathways to History

2020-10-13T13:23:30-04:00October 13th, 2020|Events, Muncy, Walking Tour|

Following Pathways to History in Lycoming County Lisa Mazzarella of WVIA Radio (NPR/PBS) asks, "What have you been doing this summer?" Mazzarella interviews Bill Poulton, president of Muncy Historical Society, about the walking tours of Muncy, including the Borough's historic walking tour, and the Muncy Heritage Park and

Muncy Historical Society Receives Waldron Memorial Grant

2020-09-03T14:41:25-04:00September 3rd, 2020|Events, Muncy|

Muncy Historical Society receives Grants from the Waldron Memorial Fund at the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania President and executive director, William Poulton, announced that the Muncy Historical Society has received two grants from the Waldron Memorial Fund at the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania.

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